Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why It’s Okay to Repeat Yourself to Save Time in Your Side Hustle

Are you struggling to think of content for social media? For blog posts? For sales emails? Have you tried just saying the same thing time and time again, but in a different way? Believe me, you don’t need to post original content every single time. In fact, nobody does this. Don’t believe me? Scroll through the feed of your favourite social media influencer and you’ll see that they’re putting out the same message time and time again.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why You Should Cultivate the Discipline of Working on Your Side Hustle

One thing that people often say to me is that I am very disciplined; usually in the context of diet and exercise rather than finding time for my side hustle, but nevertheless that’s how many friends regard me, as a disciplined individual. What I find interesting is the way that they say this makes it sound as though it’s a characteristic that I was born with, such as my height or the colour of my eyes; an advantage that I have been blessed with from birth. But the truth is that discipline is a skill, one that can be cultivated and become part of your personality. You just need to take the time to learn and develop that skill.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Ways to Use AI to Save Time in Your Side Hustle

Does this sound familiar? You’re sitting in front of your computer looking at a blank screen. You know you want to write an article for your website, but you just don’t know where to start. You’ve got a great topic, but the ideas just aren’t flowing today.

You can waste a lot of time being stuck. Stuck not knowing what to write, stuck coming up with a title for your webinar, stuck revising and revising your freebie and never feeling that it’s right. The good news is that AI can help with all of these. You don’t need to be stuck. You just need to ask ChatGPT.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Tips for Saving Money so You Can Have More Time for Your Side Hustle

You’re here because you wish you had more time for your side hustle, but as I said ‘time is money’ and there are ways to get more time by buying it. In other words you pay someone else to give you their time. This is time that you don’t have to spend doing a task in your side hustle.

The thing that I bet is burning on your lips is ‘but I don’t have any spare cash to be able to afford these things’. Don’t worry. Read on for loads of great money saving ideas to keep some extra cash in your bank account to spend on your side hustle and ultimately save you time. 

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

What to do When you Have the Time for Your Side Hustle but not the Energy

A common problem that I see is people often tell me that they don’t have time for their side hustle, or as much time as they’d like, but when we analyse their week we find the time. It is just spent doing something else - watching TV, scrolling social media, pottering around the house not doing anything particularly useful. In other words, activities which require little to no effort or brain power.

And that’s the problem. Working on your side hustle takes effort and focus, which is hard to come by at the end of a busy day. It is made even more difficult when you don’t look after your wellbeing. And by wellbeing I mean getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, etc. And this is what I want to look at in this post.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why Goals are Not Enough When It Comes to Finding Time for Your Side Hustle

I’m writing this at the beginning of January, a time when many of us have made New Year’s Resolutions. Whilst the common ones are usually about eating better, drinking less and doing more exercise, resolutions can also be about your side hustle and the goals you want to achieve over the coming year. If you’re like me you probably find making goals exciting. Dreaming about how successful you’re going to be; the money you’re going to make in your side hustle. It’s an opportunity to imagine how life could be different; to let your imagination run wild.

If this is something that you’ve already done, congratulations. That’s a good first step to finding more time for your side hustle, but only the first step. You can’t just leave it there. 

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why Your Future Self Can Help You Find Time for Your Side Hustle Now

Starting a side hustle can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn. First of all there’s learning how to build the business. Making the products or designing the online course. What platform to use? Where to buy materials from? What are you actually going to sell? Then there’s promoting it. Where should you hang out on line? What’s the best email service provider? Do you even need an email list? Is it worth paying to advertise? What about all of the legal stuff?

When it comes to making decisions about what to do and where you’re going, having a vision of your future side hustle is vital.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why You Should Put ‘Time for My Side Hustle’ on Your Christmas List

Struggling to know what to ask your family for this Christmas? Are you the woman who has everything? Most of us are. But I’m betting what you don’t have is time for your side hustle. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. So what about using Christmas to ask your family for the most precious gift of all—time?

No idea where to start when it comes to asking for time. Here are a few ideas for you…

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Is Social Media Worth Your Time?

When it comes to telling people, your ideal customers, about your new side hustle, social media can be a great way to do that. It’s free advertising isn’t it? That depends on how you look at it; on whether you count the cost not only in pounds and pennies, but also in minutes and hours.

In my experience the ‘cost’ of creating posts for social media, and for me particularly for Instagram, is the time it takes to do so. And when I compare that to the return I’m getting I have to question whether it’s worth it.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

How and Why You Should Make Time for Friends Whilst Building Your Side Hustle

Finding the time for a side hustle can mean that some of the things that you liked to do before have to go on hold for a while, but in my opinion that shouldn’t be spending time with those people who are important to you. Whilst this may seem like the easy answer to making time in your week for a side hustle I think it can also be the road to disaster and here’s why…

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

How to Spend Less Time Cleaning and More Time Side Hustling

Whilst you could just say, sod it, the house will just have to be a tip when I’m starting my side hustle, after a while you’re likely to get fed up of living in a mess. Building a side hustle is a long journey and it could be months or even years before you can think about going part time or even giving up your day job. And that may not be your aim. You might need that regular income and your side hustle is a bit extra on the side, just to supplement your main income.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why Journalling Will Free Up Time for Your Side Hustle

One tool that I’ve used on and off over the past few years as part of my side hustle journey is writing in a journal. It’s become a popular mindset tool and I think it lends itself to being used in many different ways. It can help you clarify your thoughts and to make plans when it comes to working on your side hustle.

In this post I want to look at several different ways you could make use of a journal either to decide whether you want to and have the time to start a side hustle and then once you start, to help you maintain your motivation and ensure there’s space in your calendar for what you want to work on when it comes to your side hustle.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Not Enough Time or Impostor Syndrome?

Are you still struggling to post on Instagram stories? Just can’t fit it into your day? No time for talking on social media about what you sell in your side hustle? Making videos for reels just isn’t happening as your schedule doesn’t allow it? It all just feels too difficult, too time consuming and the truth is you’re not sure if anyone is actually interested in what you have to offer anyway so what’s the point. Read that last line again, because that’s the important bit. If you’re not making any progress when it comes to your side hustle it might be that your thoughts about your new venture are holding you back. It’s often easier to tell yourself that you don’t have the time to do something as opposed to saying that you’re too scared to do it. You feel a fraud. You think that no one would be interested in what you have to say. This is impostor syndrome.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Reduce Your TV Watching and Boost Your Side Hustle Success

We’ve all been there, me included, even now. You sit down after a long day at work, turn on the TV, and before you know it, hours have passed and it’s time for bed. You’ve maybe binged a couple of episodes of your favourite programme or watched a film that you’ve seen a dozen times before, but it just happened to be on and so you watched it. This might feel like harmless relaxation, but the truth is that spending too much time in front of the television can be a major barrier to building a successful side hustle.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Is Alcohol Killing Your Side Hustle?

Have you ever thought that alcohol, a regular part of everyday life, might be sabotaging your side hustle dreams? Maybe you use it as a way to unwind after a long day or just have a few down the pub every Friday night with friends. It’s might be something that you have never really thought about much, as alcohol is normalised in our culture. But what you might be overlooking is how much alcohol is draining not only your energy, but also your time—valuable time that could be spent building your side hustle.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why Email is Sabotaging Your Side Hustle

I still talk to so many people who have their inbox open all of the time, whether that’s when they’re at they’re day job or when doing work on their side hustle. This is such a major contributor to their time management problems. If this is you, read on, as I’m going to share exactly why you need to stop doing this and what you should do instead. And if you follow this advice you will see your side hustle productivity soar.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Six Ways Decluttering Will Help You Find Time for Your Side Hustle

Life is busy. With everything you have on your plate finding the time and mental space to work on your side hustle can seem impossible.

But there's one simple yet powerful way to make life a little easier and that’s decluttering. When you live in a clutter-free home you have more time and energy to work on your side hustle. If you don’t believe me, let’s look at six reasons why this is the case.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why You Need to Stop People Pleasing

Do you struggle with the tendency to want to please others, often at the expense of finding time for your side hustle? You are not alone. It’s a trait I struggle with and one, as women, I feel that society encourages to practise. If you fail to address it, particularly when it comes to pursuing your side hustle, it can sabotage your dreams of starting a new business. 

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why Using a To Do List Could be Right For You

You will often hear me talking about time blocking and it is my favourite tool when it comes to organising and planning your time. Whether that’s in your day job, your side hustle or your personal life.

But if you’re one of the many people that feels overwhelmed at the thought of allocating their time in this way then this post is for you.  Looking at a full diary can feel daunting. Seeing that you have a task allocated for every hour of your day can feel very restrictive. You might look at it and instead of it being helpful, you just want to hide away and do nothing. That is not going to allow you to make progress with your side hustle.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Today’s Must Have Tool for Side Hustle Consistency

Struggling to be consistent on social media when it comes to building your side hustle? Forgetting to follow up on sales calls regularly? Aren’t hopping on Facebook and chatting with your ideal audience? You need to create a habit tracker.

So what’s a habit tracker? It’s a tool used to monitor and record the progress of daily habits or goals. By visually tracking your actions over time, it helps reinforce positive behaviours and identify patterns that may need adjustment.

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