Making the Most of Your Weekends to Build a Side Hustle

When you're working full time and building a side hustle your biggest stretches of time to build your new business are going to be weekends.

The challenge is to give yourself enough time to make progress so you feel that you are moving forward on your side hustle as well as giving yourself enough time for rest and relaxation. If you don't allow space for rest and relaxation pretty soon you'll get fed up of this side hustle lark and throw in the towel.

In this post I am going to take you through some useful strategies you can implement so that hopefully once Monday morning comes around again you feel like you have ticked some tasks off your side hustle to do list as well as also had some fun and relaxing time.

The first step is planning. Look at your diary for the weekend. What have you already got on? Is it Sunday lunch with the in-laws, taking the grandchildren to karate or spring cleaning the lounge. Maybe it's just catching up with chores that you didn't get to in the week when you were working.

Make a list of all of those commitments and work out how long each one is going to take you. Once you've done that then give each one a time slot on your calendar. That can be in an app on your phone or just in your paper diary. Some will have set times, such as Sunday lunch at the in-laws. Others are going to be flexible.

Now, what space it left once you've put in all your must dos (and really question whether they are must dos). Will the world end if you don't do them? Does it matter if the bed isn't changed for a week? Question everything you put in your calendar. Does it really need to get done? How important is it to you and your family?

Now take your side hustle to do list and decide which of those tasks you want to get done this weekend. Again, estimate how long each one is going to take you. Will they fit into the available time you have left after you've slotted in all the other tasks in your life.

If the answer is yes, then great. If not, then you need to reassess your priorities. Is it clearing out the garage or working on your side hustle?

The benefit of time blocking is that it allows you to see what's possible at a glance. If your list of tasks is going to take longer than you actually have available then something has got to give. We all have 24 hours in a day and unless you're going to give up some sleep, which I don't advise and which you can only do for so long anyway, then you've got to prioritise.

Don't forget that you don't have to do everything yourself. Are your kids old enough to work for their pocket money? Can you pay your nephew to dig the garden or your neighbour's son to do a couple of hours' cleaning? This is a fairly cheap way of outsourcing tasks so you can work on your side hustle.

One of the most important things is to incorporate self-care activities into your weekend routine, whether it's yoga, meditation, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones. If you don't refill your energy tank then you'll be a lot less productive in the week, which can be a time to work on your side hustle as well.

Finally, don't forget to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. If you're out socialising at the weekend tell your friends about them and celebrate together. Recognising your progress can boost your motivation and keep you on track.

In conclusion, finding the right balance between your full-time job, side hustle, and personal life in midlife can be challenging. However, by prioritising, planning, and practising self-care, you can optimize your weekends for productive side hustle work without burning out. Remember, it's a journey, and it's okay to seek support and adjust your strategies along the way. Keep pushing forward, and your side hustle dreams can become a reality.


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