How a Morning Routine is Possible for Everyone

Is there a little voice nagging you every morning when you get out of bed telling you that really you should have a morning routine? You've heard about it so many times. About how it sets you up for the day. About how it will help you crush your goals before everyone else gets out of bed.

Trouble is, your life doesn't work like that.

Some days you're working from home and that's great, no commute. Loads of time for a morning routine. Other days you've got to drive to the office, so that's 45 minutes you've lost. There's also the days it's your turn to take the dog for his morning walk and also the days when...

Yes, yes, I see the problem. In fact, I am very familiar with the problem, as that's me. That's my life. There's days when I don't have to sit down at my home desk until 9am and other days when I have to catch a train at 8am. We foster trainee guide dogs and so when we've got a dog staying with us I have to factor in taking him or her for a walk some mornings. But I've found a solution that works for me and I'm sure it will work for you as well. It's my good, better, best formula.

Okay, so here's my best morning routine:
6am Wake up and make a cup of tea
6.15 Take tea back to bed and journal for 30 minutes
6.45 Get up and put my Pilates gear on
7.00 Pilates routine
7.30 Meditate for ten minutes
7.40 Get washed and dressed
8.00 Make breakfast
8.10 Work on side hustle whilst eating breakfast
9.00 Start my day job

A lot of mornings this is what I do, but yesterday I had to catch that 8am train and so this is what my morning routine looked like:

5.45 6am Wake up and make a cup of tea
6.00 6.15 Take tea back to bed and journal for 30 minutes
6.30 6.45 Get up and put my Pilates gear on
6.45 7.00 Pilates routine
7.15 7.30 Meditate for ten five minutes
7.10 7.40 Get washed and dressed
7.35 8.00 Make breakfast and leave the house
8.10 Work on side hustle whilst eating breakfast
9.00 Start my day job

On other days my morning routine may look like this:
6am Wake up and make a cup of tea
6.15 Take tea back to bed and journal for 30 minutes
6.45 Get up and put my Pilates gear on
7.00 Pilates routine
7.20 Get washed and dressed
7.40 Leave the house

Basically, I have my non-negotiables, which are a cup of tea in bed and getting washed and dressed. I really try to do some Pilates, even just for ten minutes as it makes me feel good. Meditation may or may not happen as for me it's less important then my Pilates.

Breakfast is also optional as some days I just have a coffee so it takes no time at all to make. This helps me to manage my time as well as my waistline.

So, here's your challenge...create good, better and best morning routines. In other words, brainstorm your ideal routine and then think about how you could adapt it as your life demands.

Don't let all or nothing thinking get in your way. Remember, something is better than nothing. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do all of it every morning. Find out what works for you and as you feel the benefits I bet that you'll find more time to build a great morning routine that sets you up for the day.


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