Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why and When to Think About Your Side Hustle ‘Why’

Starting a side hustle is easy. Keeping going can be HARD.

If you’re only just beginning then the thought of starting something new, developing your passion, or earning extra money is probably making you feel really excited.

As time goes on the initial excitement often begins to fade and the reality of balancing a side hustle with your other responsibilities can feel overwhelming. Suddenly you find yourself constantly tired, frequently overwhelmed and starting to ask yourself whether it's worth it. This is where most people give up.

I’m going to share with you a way to keep yourself motivated that will carry you through the hard times.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Five Great Reasons to Start a Side Hustle

If you're here because you're sitting on the fence, you've got a dream about a possible side hustle or you've had a hobby for years that you think you could turn into a side hustle, then today I'm going to tell you why you should do so.

Have you spent a lot of time dreaming about how you could start a side hustle? Thinking about how life would be different if you could just make some money from your hobby. Or that you could spend more time doing what lights you up as your day job has just become a grind?

I’m going to give you some good reasons to take that leap and start a side hustle.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why You Shouldn’t Use a To Do List

A to do list is most people’s go to tool when planning their work, whether it’s a side hustle week or any week. It was mine too, for a long time, but I moved to time blocking instead and here’s why you should too.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Boost Your Side Hustle Productivity With a Digital Declutter

Is your inbox overflowing with unread emails? Have you subscribed to loads of great freebies to help you on your side hustle journey, but now the amount of incoming messages is overwhelming? Finding a specific email is almost impossible as you have to wade through copious amounts of junk to locate it. The answer? A regular digital declutter.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

How to Negotiate Working from Home to Have More Time for Your Side Hustle

Fed up of reading the benefits of homeworking when it comes to building a side hustle because you’re stuck in the office five days a week?

If you’re prepared to put the work in you can change all that. In future you could spend your commuting time on your side hustle instead.

Want to find out more, then read on…

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

How to Keep Evenings Free for Your Side Hustle

You’ve been making time for a side hustle, but now the house is a tip; you’re behind with the laundry, there’s a thick layer of dust over everything and the ironing basket is overflowing. You’ve realised that you can’t do it all. It’s either your side hustle or your home. There isn’t space for both in your life.

The frustrating thing is that you know other people who are doing it. They’ve got a regular 9-5 job, two kids, their house runs like clockwork and they’re killing it at their side hustle. So what’s their secret?

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Essential Email Management for Side Hustlers

If you’re starting a side hustle you’ll need to decide how you’re going to set up your email for your new venture and what arrangements will help you make the best use of your limited time. Some questions you might want to think about are:

1. Should you have a separate email address for your side hustle or just use your personal one?

2. When are you going to deal with your side hustle emails?

3. If you use your personal email address how are you going to stop important messages getting lost amongst all the spam clogging up your inbox.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

From Procrastination to Productivity: How Routines Can Boost Your Side Hustle Journey

You’re trying to build a side hustle, but when you sit down to work it’s a real struggle to get started, especially as you’re feeling tired after a long day at the office, looking after the kids, or both. You look at that long to do list and feel overwhelmed by all of the different tasks you need to get done in your side hustle. It’s too hard to decide what to do and you spend more time choosing a task to tackle than actually getting on with what needs doing.  You often find yourself giving up and flopping down on the sofa instead to watch your favourite programme, feeling deflated and with the thought that you’ll never make progress on your side hustle going round and round in your head.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Anyone Can Learn to be Organised

Are you the person who is always late, can never find their car keys, regularly dashes to the corner shop as you’ve run out of milk?

Has been disorganised become part of your personality? So much a part that you’re worried people will laugh at you if they see you trying to change that? Perhaps you’ve already tried and given up because so often you’ve been told that you’ll never change and you’ve come to believe it.

What if I told you that planning and organisation are not innate abilities but rather learned skills?

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Why another online course may not be a good use of your time

You have a great idea for a side hustle, but how do you get started? Oh yes, an online course. And there are so many out there which are going to help you make your millions.

But before you decide to part with your hardearned cash, here is some cautionary advice…

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

How to Find Out What You’re doing with your 168 hours

If you’ve tried time and again to find space in your schedule for a side hustle, but it just isn’t happening then I’ve got the answer. It’s going to help you find out where that space is and learn how you’re currently wasting it.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Taking Time Out from Your Side Hustle

If you take some time away from your side hustle, in the following week it can be easy to feel like you’re behind. Time away from home can be enjoyable, but also tiring and you can struggle to catch up when you return from your break. Or at least it can feel like that in the first couple of days.

I have some strategies for you which are going to help.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Manifesting Your Side Hustle

Don’t think you can just will your side hustle into being? That might be true, but manifesting can set you on the right path…

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Time Blocking

If you’re a fan of to do lists it may be time to try another way.

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Samantha Hall Samantha Hall

Three Times a Week is a Habit

Did you know that three times a week is a habit? Or at least it is according to Laura Vanderkam, time management author.

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